Saturday, July 13, 2013

Well, everyone on this planet has problems. Wait no, even aliens do. And most of the time people are not able to give us solutions that are actually useful. Basically, they say "Yaar. Give it time. Everything will be fine, babe." EVERYTHING will not be fine 'babe' please! Giving time to things does not help in every kind of situation. Thinking practically, i guess solutions are different for different things.
Also, sometimes you don't need any solutions, what you need is a person who will just listen to you. Just listen. And not judge you after hearing what you say.
Its what happens here. Drop in your confessions! Give us your problems and we'll solve them for you. Be it advising you on heartbreak to kicking your ex's ass. Anyway. This is for you guys to release your tensions and relax, while we get you a solution to your so-called freaky problem .